Earwax can be the reason why you can't hear - with or without hearing aids

Earwax is one of the most common causes of hearing loss
Earwax can block your ears and cause a certain degree of hearing loss. If your hearing aids don't work anymore, it could be wax. 

But don't worry - there are quite a few solutions to your challenge. You can use certain remedies to soften it up or contact your GP.
Blocked ears
Your ears could be blocked from earwax causing a gradual hearing loss.

How to get rid of really hard excess earwax
Gentle application of olive oil into the ear could be the solution. Be patient as it may take time for the earwax to soften.

Really hard wax
If you have really hard impacted wax you should consult your doctor. The hearing specialist will be able to help with at free hearing test if hearing loss is still an issue after removing the wax.

If you have any questions about earwax removal please contact your GP.

Earwax and temporary deafness

Some people mistake wax build up foractually going deaf

You could be suffering from both, but youneed the excess wax removed before you can be checked for a natural hearingloss.


We actually do need wax  - but nottoo much! 

Our body creates it all the time to keepears healthy. It's only when we get excess wax build up that we have to dosomething about it.

If your aids don't work it could be wax

Earwax in your aids
One patient we saw suffers from excess wax, mainly in one ear. His hearing aidfor that ear was the one that periodically needed a clean up.

If this happens to you, visit your hearing specialist for a check up.

How can the hearing specialist help you?

They will clean up your hearing aids andget them working properly again.

They can show you how to maintain yourhearing aids so that you can prevent this happening again. 

Book an appointment

Our Customer Service Officer will call you back to confirm the appointment details within 2 working days.
For any urgent appointment arrangement, please call:
Yau Ma Tei 2771-0501
Central 2111-8798
Shatin 3105-8383
Yuen Long 3126-5474
Mongkok (Starry) 3188-2750