Easy to use online checklists to check your speech, language and swallowing problems.

Speech Test 

Screen your child’s articulation using the following checklist. Check the items that your child fails to achieve (if there is any). (The checklist is based on the development of Cantonese speaking children.) 

You are recommended to consult a speech therapist  if your child’s speech sound errors persist after the age of acquisition.



2 years and 6 months
  • Able to produce speech sounds with lips e.g. /m, b, w/ (媽, 爸, 話)
  • Familiar people can understand their speech sometimes
3 years and 6 months
  • Able to produce speech sounds with teeth and lips e.g. /f/ (花)
  • Able to produce speech sounds with teeth and lips e.g. /f/ (花)
  • Able to produce speech sounds with tongue e.g. /t, k/ (打, 家)
  • Able to produce speech sounds with airflow e.g. /ph, th, kh/ (爬, 他, 卡)
  • Familiar people can understand most of their speech
4 years old
  • Able to produce speech sounds with tongue, teeth and lips e.g. /tsh/ (車)
  • Strangers can understand most of their speech
4 years and 6 months
  • Able to produce all speech sounds correctly
  • Speech is clear for most of the time

Language test 

Screen your child’s language using the following checklist. Check the items that your child fails to achieve (if there is any). 

You are recommended to consult a speech therapist if your child fails any of the items.




12 - 18 Months
  • Does not understand daily vocabularies. 
    Eg. "ball", "apple", "biscuit", "sit"
  • Not able to express in single word.
    Eg. "mama", "papa", "bread", "ball"
18 - 24 Months
  • Does not understand Yes/No questions or A-not-A questions.
  • Does not understand simple commands.
    Eg "give mama", "eat the biscuit"
  • Less than 20 vocabularies.
  • Not able to express in phrases.
    Eg "Mummy ball", "eat apple"
2 -3 Years
  • Does not understand questions of "what", "who" and "where".
  • Does not understand classroom instructions.
  • Not able to express in short sentences.
    Eg. "Mummy wants ball"
3 - 4 Years
  • Does not undeerstand questions of "why".
  • Does not understand basic colours.
    Eg. red, blue, yellow and green
  • Not able to use longer sentences with connectives.
    Eg. "I want apple and banana"
4 - 5 Years
  • Does not understand questions of "when" and "how".
  • Not able to use different conjunctions.
    Eg. "and", "because", "first", "next", "last" etc
  • Not able to tell sequences or simple stories.
5 - 6 Years
  • Does not understand time concepts.
    Eg. yesterday, today and tomorrow.
  • Does not understand simple stories.
  • Not able to tell stories.
  • Not able to use different complex sentences.
    Eg. "if....then...", "because...., so..."

Swallowing test 

Are you having swallowing difficulty? Check the items that describe your problem. 

You are recommended to consult a speech therapist if you experience one or more of the problems on the checklist.



Food or liquid leading from oral or nasal cavity 
Extra time or effort needed for chewing or swallowing 
Food residue remained in oral cavity or throat after swallowing 
Pocketing of food 
Coughing or choking when eating or drinking 
Multiple swallows needed to clear a single mouthful of food or drink 
Wet voice after eating or drinking 
Food refusal/avoidance of certain food or drinks 
Unexpected weight loss or dehydration 
Recurring aspiration pneumonia and/or fever 
Test results are for reference only, not diagnostic purposes. Please consult a speech therapist for a detailed assessment of any diagnostic needs.

Book an appointment

Our Customer Service Officer will call you back to confirm the appointment details within 2 working days.
For any urgent appointment arrangement, please call:
Yau Ma Tei 2771-0501
Central 2111-8798
Shatin 3105-8383
Yuen Long 3126-5474
Mongkok (Starry) 3188-2750